Yes love will stop by to a heart when it's ready. I've finished my book (don’t bite my apple). I don't feel like writing anymore for some reason. Mr. X is gone and I haven't seen Mr. Y for some time. One night I saw Mr. X in Bebek by the bay Istanbul. When I threw the ring he gave me in to the sea. Next morning at 7 am went back there and got in to a boat thinking maybe it landed in there but there was no luck. The name of the boat was fako. Twist of fate. I threw the ring because Mr. X told me I was free. If I was free why should I carry his ring? I said to myself. For the last time we sat on a table not by side to side. I sat a cross by Mr.X. I told him it's not working. I noticed he wasn't rude to the waiters like he used to be. But it was meaningless when we're separating he's nice to the waiters. Friday night I went to the Cumhuriyet Meyhanesi (Tavern) I noticed I was wearing the shoes that Mr. X loved but I got used to wearing them. They always hurt my feet. This time I felt it. It was hurting badly. I took off them off. I went to a store I got myself training shoes in red. From now on I am saying stop to shoes that hurts my feet. 3 sweet man and I ended up finishing 2 bottle of Raki (Ouzo or pasties) We drank, drank and drank.....All of a sudden I've noticed I was sitting side by side with a sweet man number one. The sweet man came from another town from Ankara to Istanbul to see me. One minute it had been a while I haven't been drinking like this. Those training shoes were really nicely in red and were taking some attention. We went to a bar called Hayal Kahvesi (Also known as Dream Bar) we were at front by musicians and dancing. How come I was having fun? How come I wasn't unhappy? Was I trying to compress my pain? The song began ""Maybe from this life one day you'll leave and you think of the days you had":)) Nope I was dancing and having fun with a number one sweet man who was 23 years old. I was wild that young girl again. Wild sweet number one man and I opened our eyes in the king’s room at Taksim with a spectacular view. I sat side by side laid our feet on the table. He said, I love you= I said, don't say that. No love. He said, you're beautiful= I said, I am ok! He said, I came for you from Ankara. = I said don't come for me again. He said, I want to see you again...= I said no we're free. You’re free! Don't call me more than 2 times a day and don't sms me more than 2 times a day. If my belly shows don't cover it. Don't be jealous of me. And don't kiss me too much. I can't breathe!