Life is full of U-turns don't look at me that way. ''I'' you dare to get scared of me! My hands are clean my chin is up towards you. If I tumbled down time to time, it's just because I'm human! So Bare with me! I am the one who'd carry you on her back without a sigh! Silenced! But will come to that moment:))) Yes ''I'' only carry ''I'' one life. I carry one life. One heart. No doubts of past days. Have loved so many times. I failed so many times. I fail down so many times. My knees are cut. I stood up again and again. I've met so many soul butchers, tried to cut down my life tree. I bared with life. I bared with loneliness. I bared with lies and cheat. I bared with souls who had no love in their hearts. As the years passed I figured man's heart made of wood. Women's heart made of glass. And when the glass is broken, unmendable. Women needs more miracle. When she cries it's from the heart. She cries screaming. Different part of the women feels the same way. She holds on to her dream with a boat made of paper and she sails her dreams out to unknown. Thank God I can cry. Thank God I can breathe. And protest these wild comings and goings. True color is not shown yet. Prepare your hearts I will come in to your hearts without giving you notice. I'm wet just rain showered over my head. Don't set your hopes high I am only mom's miracle. Only she tries to protect her only daughter. Her shadow warms my soul. Whenever she cries I get angry. I say why you cry mom? She says I'm so happy that's why. Just like that happiness is rhetorical question of the matter. There is nothing left before you or you after you. Time to time I think of you. Time to time I shed a tear out of the blue. Time to time I revoke myself. Time to time I go and comeback. What can you do more when a heart beats with love but without the loved one? Life is full of U-Turns. You dumped me to this ocean. You left me behind. If I cry shout, yell, scream. It's all because I'm happy. We cover so many things with tears. So I lock myself in to my room. I burried my past in to your grave. While giving up on love since you have disappear...I look at my dog Toffee's forehead, there is a big heart shape on her forehead. She lays by my side. Put all of your hopes ,dreams and memories to one suitcase. Because that is the only thing you will take it with you to end of your journey. Before you was the same after you. Empty......Like it said The last note on a table.....!
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